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Creating interactive dashboards and data visualizations with Tableau Public.

Images shown here are the screen captures of the dashboards I have been creating. In order to explore these visualizations in further detail, please visit my Tableau Public profile with the link provided below.

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Health Insurance Costs in the USA

The visualization below shows the average health insurance costs for Americans by region, BMI, sex and whether or not they are smokers. A key take away from this is that smokers pay on average $23k more than non-smokers. BMI is not as large of an indicator for health insurance costs as smoking is, as the trend lines suggest. However, the trendline fit for smokers with high BMI is the best fit in this case. The KPI in the bottom right is a filter in the visualization and thus can be used to navigate and see the differences in price per region for men and women/ smokers and non-smokers. This also assists in visualizing the BMI of men and women, when clicking you can see that on average men tend on average are more likely to be overweight, and women underweight. This in part explains the small gap in average costs of insurance for men and women.

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Tuition Costs Across Canada

The dashboard below shows weighted tuition cost increases from 1972-2015. This includes an 8-year forecast for the programs shown. These programs were chosen out of the dataset as they show the most dramatic increases in prices, especially in field of healthcare, law and dentistry. The map then shows a choropleth map visualizing the average cost of tuition across all programs throughout Canada's provinces. It is worth noting that certain provinces do not offer certain programs, such as dentistry and law programs. The area graph underneath is showing a time series of percentage of population who obtained a tertiary education from 1990-2020. Unfortunately, the time lines for these datasets do not fully overlap. It is still important to see the amount of tuition price increase from the beginning of this dataset, however. This is the reasoning behind not filtering out years prior to 1990.

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Canada Price Fluctuations Since 1992

The visualization below shows the percentage increase in CPI, housing index, minimum wage and tertiary education in Canada. Understanding this data and viewing it in a dashboard in this manner assists in understanding affordability in Canada as well as potential for economic growth. We see a large increase of nearly 90% in tertiary education. An increase in minimum wage in some provinces by nearly 300%, coupled with an increase in housing price index by ~130% in some provinces. A notable increase in CPI for alcohol and Tabaco products since the 1990s with increased regulations and taxation on these products.


All data was open source and gathered from Statistics Canada and the World Health Organization. 

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CPI, Education, Housing and Minimum Wage
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